You may be wondering what the heck Don't Stop The Carnival, Kinja and the Gull Reef Club are all about.

It all begins with Don't Stop The Carnival, a very funny adventure story written by Herman Wouk about a
couple from New York who decide to move to the Caribbean and open a hotel....something we have always wanted to do!

Kinja is an imaginary island in the Caribbean where the story unfolds (much like the stories aboard our boat!).

Ah, and the Gull Reef Club....well, you will have to read the book to figure that one out !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tour of Georgetown

So, we are still here in Georgetown.  Hanging out while the weather settles down.  Looks like we will head out on Saturday to Long Island.  No, not the one we came from.  This is the first island on our way to the Turks and Cacos where we can anchor out.

Here are some pictures from our stay in Georgetown.

We had a family of dolphins stop by our boat one afternoon and they played around the boat for an hour or so.  They seemed to enjoy the music we were playing.

View from the Peace and Plenty Hotel, Restaurant and Bar where we hang out a bit

Road sign in town

We had to have an insurance paper notorized so we went to the city hall.  They called a guy out of court to come over to help us. He sat us down in his office and proceeded to take a very long time to review the document that required him to verify that we were who it said we were.  He finally signed and stamped the document without even asking for our ID's!  I guess anything goes here

Somehow, it is a logical combination... computer store and groceries

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