You may be wondering what the heck Don't Stop The Carnival, Kinja and the Gull Reef Club are all about.

It all begins with Don't Stop The Carnival, a very funny adventure story written by Herman Wouk about a
couple from New York who decide to move to the Caribbean and open a hotel....something we have always wanted to do!

Kinja is an imaginary island in the Caribbean where the story unfolds (much like the stories aboard our boat!).

Ah, and the Gull Reef Club....well, you will have to read the book to figure that one out !

Monday, April 5, 2010

Headed to Georgetown

Leaving Black Point we headed out the Dathom Cut to the ocean.  It was blowing hard and study at 15-20 knots.  The cut had a very strong current of 3 knots or so.  It was slow going until we cleared the coast line.  Then we turned south and had a great 8 hour sail all the way to Georgetown doing 6-7 knots.

We arrived in Georgetown Thursday at 4pm and found a sheltered anchorage behind Stocking Island. 


The next morning we got up and decided to go into town to get supplies.  So we jumped into the dingy and motored across the bay to find everything in town was was Good Friday.

We figured we could a least hit an ATM at the bank and get some cash (since a lot of places do not accept credit cards), only to find that the bank was out of money.  Then we heard someone say that the gas station might have an ATM.  We walked over and there was not an ATM.  But the guy running the station graciously offered to give us some cash by charging our credit card.  He was going to be closing the station soon because he was out of gas and had lots of cash  Seems everyplace in Georgetown runs out of whatever they are selling on a regular basis.

So then it was a wet dingy ride back to the boat to settle in for the night. 

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