You may be wondering what the heck Don't Stop The Carnival, Kinja and the Gull Reef Club are all about.

It all begins with Don't Stop The Carnival, a very funny adventure story written by Herman Wouk about a
couple from New York who decide to move to the Caribbean and open a hotel....something we have always wanted to do!

Kinja is an imaginary island in the Caribbean where the story unfolds (much like the stories aboard our boat!).

Ah, and the Gull Reef Club....well, you will have to read the book to figure that one out !

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time to Have Kinja Repaired

After we got Tyler on a taxi to Cruz Bay to catch the ferry to St Thomas, it was time for us to head to Virgin Gorda to see if we could get the leak fixed.

Just to make things a little more exciting, the bilge pumps decided to stop working as we were sailing to Virgin Gorda...the boat was filling up with water!

Along the way we managed to get them working a little bit... just enough.

We reached the Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbor late in late afternoon and asked to have Kinja hauled out the next morning.   That afternoon we connected with the repair business at the marina called "The Work Bench".  Jeff is the owner and he came directly over to Kinja to take a look.  Originally from Zimbabwe, he has spent the last 35 years building and repairing sailboats.  WOW, did we luck out finding such a qualified guy out here!  After much discussion he said he could have the leak and the bilge pumps repaired in a day!!!

Kinja being hauled out...

The Work Bench...

With Kinja being worked on we went to stay at Little Dix Bay Resort...what a place!

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