You may be wondering what the heck Don't Stop The Carnival, Kinja and the Gull Reef Club are all about.

It all begins with Don't Stop The Carnival, a very funny adventure story written by Herman Wouk about a
couple from New York who decide to move to the Caribbean and open a hotel....something we have always wanted to do!

Kinja is an imaginary island in the Caribbean where the story unfolds (much like the stories aboard our boat!).

Ah, and the Gull Reef Club....well, you will have to read the book to figure that one out !

Friday, February 26, 2010

Done with the Intercostal !

After many passages on the ICW like Dismal Swamp, Alligator River, Mud River, Lockwoods Folly, Cape Fear, Mosquito Lagoon, Haulover Canal and several Hells Gates, we are definitely done with the ICW!!

We rolled into Ft Lauderdale Monday evening Feb. 15th after a long day of passing under 21 drawbridges which all open at different times during the hour.  It is impossible to hit them all at the right time... so it makes for a ver-r-r-r-r-y long day.

Of course there is never a dull moment.  When we were motoring into the BahiaMar Marina our engine started making some very strange rattling and banging noises. Not good! We got tied up fine and called a mechanic to take a look.  Nothing is simple with boats..........

We have been at the BahiaMar for almost two weeks waiting for parts and the repair work to be completed.

There are plenty of huge yachts around here.  Some that we saw have over 10,000 square feet of living space.

Kinja at dock

The weather has been off and on and the good news is that we would not have been able to make the crossing to the Bahamas during this last two weeks anyway because of the north winds blowing the Gulf Stream into massive seas.  So we have been enjoying Ft. Lauderdale and the surrounding area.

Happy hour is always good...

As soon as the engine is fixed we will head south to Key Biscayne and wait there for the crossing to Bimini.

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