You may be wondering what the heck Don't Stop The Carnival, Kinja and the Gull Reef Club are all about.

It all begins with Don't Stop The Carnival, a very funny adventure story written by Herman Wouk about a
couple from New York who decide to move to the Caribbean and open a hotel....something we have always wanted to do!

Kinja is an imaginary island in the Caribbean where the story unfolds (much like the stories aboard our boat!).

Ah, and the Gull Reef Club....well, you will have to read the book to figure that one out !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lunch at the Olde Pink House

A national landmark built in 1771 the Pink House is a stately Georgian Mansion  facing Reyolds Square.  Built on land granted by the crown of England,  this wealthy planter's home held many secret meetings which helped to secure the independence of the 13 colonies from England.  It was also here that  General Sherman presented the city of Savannah as a Christmas gift to President Lincoln.

In 1992 it was turned into a restaurant.  But the ghosts of the past walk freely around the old house--just about every staff member has had an encounter with one of the many ghosts still living in the house.

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